Was It Worth It?
Penned by D.C. Mitchell
I sit alone mindlessly staring at my keyboard hoping some spark of inspiration would hit and my fingers would then began to type with a mind of their own. But nothing. I search my memory's library for remnants of dreams hopefully not forgotten for inspiration. But even there I find nothing. Where has this wall come from? I am tired of walls! I throw words at it hoping to break it down. But nothing! When did this darkness creep up on me? Why have I let it consume me?
I try again to find some inspiration and I allow my mind to wonder to places I have not visited in some time. Brushing aside the cobwebs, I pull a book from the deepest dark place in my memory's library. I gently blow the dust off its cover and caress it gently as my heartbeat quickens. I stare at it a moment. Nothing, and I mean nothing good will come from me opening this book. But none the less I have opened the book. I stare at the pages for a moment before the pictures and words come alive and I am sitting in the corner watching as the events of this book plays out in front of me.
I am unaware of how many minutes have gone by but the story now comes to an end. I close the book with a heavy heart and place it back on its shelf in the deepest dark place in my memory's library. Ah, darkness I remember now from whence you came. I stumble forwards as my vision is blurry from the tears I now shed. Ah, wall I remember now whence you came. I chide myself, I told you nothing good would come of opening that book.
I sit alone mindlessly staring at my keyboard as the keys now come into focus. I entered my mind's library with nothing but I came out with something. One question now floats through my mind......
.....Was it worth it?
Penned on Monday, 2 December 2012